Since our founding in 1962, EdITS has published and produced a wide range of products. As technology and society changes, EdITS changes as well. That means that some of our offerings have been discontinued. If you want to learn about alternative products, upgrades, check remaining stock, or to place an order, call 800.416.1666 or email service@edits.net.
State/Trait Depression Adjective Checks Lists (ST-DACL)
Measure feelings of dysphoria, sadness, and psychological distress, and are used as an assessment for the clinical treatment of depression with both State and Trait Mood measures.
Career Education Responsive to Every Student (CERES)
A full line of career education materials for grades K-12. It was a flexible program designed to work with existing curriculum providing a means of infusing career education into basic skills instruction.
Comrey Personality Scale (CPS)
A comprehensive, multidimensional personality assessment used for educational and career planning. Includes scales that closely align with the Big Five personality test and additional personality traits.
Pair Attraction Inventory (PAI)
Measures factors contributing to mate and friend selection in male/female pairs. The PAI may be used as a stand-alone instrument or as part of the Actualizing Assessment Battery (AAB).
Caring Relationship Inventory (CRI)
Measures the essential elements of caring (or love) in heterosexual relationships based on studies of successfully married couples, troubled couples in therapy, and divorced couples.
Dimensions of Self-Concept (DOSC)
A self-report survey for measuring non-cognitive factors that are associated with self-esteem or self-concept in the school setting.
Dimensions of Self-Concept for Workers (DOSC-W)
A self-report survey for measuring non-cognitive factors that are associated with self-esteem or self-concept for adult workers.
Study Attitudes and Methods Survey (SAMS)
This survey explores a students' motivation, study habits, and attitudes toward school—helpful in determining non-academic obstacles to school success. A valuable preparation exercise for college entrance as well as a counseling tool at the high school level.
Applied Vocational Math Series
Each book in the series presents problems in terms of one particular occupation and addresses the fundamentals commonly found in math texts used for the 6th-10th grades.
Junior Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (JEPQ)
Measures the three major dimensions of personality which are Extraversion-Introversion, Neuroticism, and Tough-mindedness in children aged 7-17.