All trademarks used on this website are the property of their respective owners and may not be used without permission therefrom. Whether or not specifically designated as such, EdITS, COPSystem and all other colors, graphics, logos, sounds, images, icons and buttons displayed in this website (“Marks”) are trademarks of EdITS and/or its affiliates. Absent prior written consent from an officer of EdITS, you may not copy, imitate, or use any portion of the Mark.
EdITS uses words, terms, symbols, acronyms, and/or phrases to promote the availability of its proprietary products. The following list identifies the trademarks owned by EdITS that are registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Any use of these trademarks without the written permission of EdITS is strictly prohibited.
List of Registered Trademarks:
EdITS General Test Release Policy
EdITS adheres to the following ethical standards with regard to release and sale of our assessment material. The distribution of psychological, employment, or educational test materials is subject to the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing and the Ethical Practices Code of the American Psychological Association.
We grant permission to release raw score to stanine conversion data and raw score to percentile conversions only to qualified individuals. The original answer sheets contain copyright protected test items and as such may not be reproduced. We do not however, retain copyright to the item responses. If a counselor deems it appropriate, he or she may release item responses to a qualified individual.
If the tests are released it must be under court order and sealed and only released to an individual qualified to interpret the tests, no copies may be made, and any testimony about the tests must be sealed. The tests must be returned to the counselor who administered the tests following the conclusion of the legal case.
We understand that from time to time a counselor may be requested by court proceedings to provide test results, should this occur, we request that the court issue a protective order prohibiting parties from making copies of the material, only release results to qualified professionals and return material to the counselor providing the assessments at the end of the proceedings.
EdITS General Test Administration Policy
The COPSystem is a set of assessments that may be group administered and as such there may be more than one test taker in the room. However, part of the system contains tests with right and wrong answers and is a battery that must be administered in the proper manner as outlined in our instruction information. The assessments are copyright protected and the results are confidential and may be used and interpreted only by qualified individuals.
When administering the assessments the only individuals in the testing room should be the test administrator or proctor and the examinees taking the test. It is our position, as the test publisher, that having a third party in the room viewing, video taping, or audio recording the testing process will have a negative impact on the validity of the results.
Please contact our research team should you have any questions about our policies.