Eysenck Personality Questionnaire - Revised (EPQ-R)
The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire - Revised (EPQ-R) measures three major dimensions of personality: Extraversion/Introversion, Neuroticism, and Psychoticism or Tough-mindedness. The EPQ-R is an excellent assessment tool to measure the personality domain. It is useful in numerous applications such as human resources, career counseling, clinical settings, and research.
Useful for Adults (18 and older)
Norms are available for U.S. Adults
Takes approximately 20-35 minutes to complete
Scoring Options:
Web-based with immediate scoring
High E scores indicate extraversion, and individuals who score high tend to be outgoing, impulsive, uninhibited, have many social contacts, and often take part in group activities. Typically, the extravert is highly social, likes gatherings, has many friends, needs to have people to talk to and dislikes solitary pursuits such as reading, studying, and contemplation. Instead, the typical extravert prefers excitement, likes to take chances, often acts on the spur of the moment, and generally is quite active. Such a person may be fond of practical jokes and usually has an answer to anything.
By contrast, the introvert tends to be quiet, retiring and studious. The typical introvert is reserved and distant except to intimate friends, tends to plan and usually distrusts acting on impulse. Such people prefer a well-arranged existence, keep their feelings well controlled, and are more passive than aggressive. Generally reliable although somewhat pessimistic, typical introverts seldom lose their temper and tend to place great value on ethical standards.
High N scores indicate strong emotional lability and overactivity. People with high scores tend to be emotionally over responsive, and encounter difficulties in calming down. Such people complain of vague somatic upsets, and report many worries, anxieties, and irritating emotional feelings. They may develop neurotic disorders when under stress, which fall short of actual neurotic collapses. High scores do not preclude such people functioning adequately in the family and work situations.
High P scores display tendencies to developing psychotic disorders while at the same time falling short of actual psychotic conditions. People with high P scores are inclined toward being cruel, inhumane, socially indifferent, hostile, aggressive, not considerate of danger, insular, glacial, and intolerant. They show a propensity towards making trouble for others, belittling, acting disruptively, and lacking in empathy.
The term psychoticism is psychiatric in nature, and to avoid the immediate conclusion that high scores are psychologically disturbed, the more euphemistic term, tough-mindedness, is generally preferred since it serves to emphasize the developmental stages of pathology rather than existing conditions.
Lie Scale
This scale is included to determine the validity of responses. A high score demonstrates the tendency to "fake good".
Minimum of 25 - Custom Quantities
Automated Scoring
$5.50 per test
To place an order, call 800.416.1666 or email service@edits.net
Specimen Set (Sample & Manual)
To place an order, call 800.416.1666 or email service@edits.net