Multiple Affect Adjective Check List (MAACL-R)
The Multiple Affect Adjective Check List (MAACL-R) measures both positive and negative affect as a Trait and/or State Form, and can be used in the diagnosis and treatment of mood disorders. Both forms are standardized scales that differentiate clients with affective disorder from those with other disorders, and from "normals."
Effective for high school, college, and adult populations
Approximately 3-5 minutes administration time
132 adjectives
Norm referenced for college and adult populations
Self-scoring in 15-20 minutes
Afraid, fearful, frightened, panicky, shaky, tense
Alone, destroyed, forlorn, lonely, lost, miserable
Annoyed, critical, cross, cruel, disagreeable
Positive Affect
This scale measures a positively valenced state/trait of low arousal, or calm. Adjectives included are happy, joyful, and pleasant.
Sensation Seeking
This scale measures a positively valenced state/trait of arousal, or positive level of activation. Adjectives included are adventurous, daring, and energetic.
The two composite scales are: Dysphoria (Dys = A+D+H), and Positive Affect plus Sensation Seeking (PASS = PA+SS). A diagnostic study has indicated that the score Dys-PA is effective in discriminating patients with affective disorders from other patients and clients.
State (Today) Form
Package of 25
Trait (In General) Form
Package of 25
To place an order, call 800.416.1666 or email service@edits.net
Hand-Scoring Keys
Reusable overlay keys. Required to score the test.
To place an order, call 800.416.1666 or email service@edits.net