The Career Ability Placement Survey (CAPS) helps examinees relate their current levels of ability to career clusters. It is a comprehensive, multidimensional battery consisting of eight, five-minute tests designed to measure abilities that are related to performing a job. Each of the eight ability dimensions are keyed to entry level requirements for occupations in each of the 14 COPSystem VIA Career Clusters. Ability scores are interpreted in terms of examinees' abilities relative to others at the same educational level.
5 minutes for each of the 8 tests
50 minutes to complete the entire battery
Appropriate for grades 8-12, college, and adult
Norm referenced for middle, high school, and college educational levels
Scoring Options:
Self-scoring in 15-20 minutes
Web-based with immediate scoring
Is available in English and Spanish.
Fully compatible with screen reader applications. Large print also available.
Custom Quantities Available (Min. 25)
Comprehensive Results
Available in Multiple Languages
O*Net and Employment Information
Fully Accessible by Screen Readers
Automated Scoring
No Shipping Costs
Sets of 25
Comprehensive Results
Available in Multiple Languages
Get better results.
This product is part of the complete COPSystem VIA. Click here to see the full product offerings.
Mechanical Reasoning (MR) measures how well a person can understand mechanical principles and devices and the laws of physics. This ability is especially important in courses in industrial arts and occupations in Technology and Science.
Spatial Relations (SR) measures how well a person can visualize or think in three dimensions and can mentally picture the position of objects from a diagram or picture. This ability is important in courses in arts and industrial arts and jobs in Science, Technology, and Arts.
Verbal Reasoning (VR) measures how well a person can reason with words and has the facility for understanding and using concepts expressed in words. This ability is important in general academic success and in jobs requiring written or oral communication, especially those Professional level occupations in Communication, Science, Business and Service involving high levels of responsibility and decision-making.
Numerical Ability (NA) measures how well a person can reason with and use numbers and work with quantitative materials and ideas. This ability is important in school courses and jobs in the fields of Science, Service and Technology involving mathematics, chemistry, physics, or engineering and in the Business and Clerical fields.
Language Usage (LU) measures how well a person can recognize and use correct grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. This ability is especially important in jobs requiring written or oral communication and in Clerical jobs as well as Professional level occupations in Science, and in all levels of Business and Service.
Word Knowledge (WK) measures how well a person can understand the meaning and precise use of words. This is important in Communication and all Professional level occupations involving high levels of responsibility and decision-making.
Perceptual Speed and Accuracy (PSA) measures how well a person can perceive small details rapidly and accurately within a mass of letters, numbers and symbols. This ability is important in Clerical office work, and other jobs requiring fine visual discrimination.
Manual Speed and Dexterity (MSD) measures how well a person can make rapid and accurate movements with their hands. This ability is important in Arts, Skilled and Technology, Skilled occupations and other jobs requiring use of the hands.
This digital version of our CAPS Abilities Technical Manual includes historical data as well as new technical information, and can be downloaded as a PDF.
Large Print Booklet
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