The Career Occupational Preference System Professional (COPS-P) measures interests at the professional level for individuals at the college level or professionals interested in career change.


  • Explore the importance of interests for occupational choices

  • Identify how likes and dislikes relate to career choice

  • Approximately 20-30 minutes to complete

  • For college students selecting a major

  • For adults with a professional degree

  • Compare personality with important job characteristics to find compatibilities

  • Norm referenced for college level education

  • Web-based with immediate scoring


SCIENCE, Medical-Life occupations involve activities concerned with the conducting of research and the accumulation and application of systemized knowledge in medicine and the biological and life sciences.

SCIENCE, Physical occupations involve activities concerned with the planning and conducting of research and the accumulation and application of systemized knowledge of the physical world in the earth sciences.

TECHNOLOGY, Electrical occupations involve engineering and systems design in the fields of electricity and electronics.

TECHNOLOGY, Mechanical occupations involve activities concerned with engineering and structural design of aircraft, automotive, marine and other mechanical equipment and the development of new and improved mechanical and chemical manufacturing processes for converting raw materials into products.

TECHNOLOGY, Civil-Construction occupations involve activities concerned with the structural design for construction of buildings, highways, and other transportation systems.

OUTDOOR, Nature occupations involve activities performed primarily out-of-doors which are concerned with the protection, accumulation, and harvesting of natural resources.

OUTDOOR, Agribusiness occupations involve activities performed primarily out-of-doors which are concerned with the growing, tending, and harvesting of plants and animals for human consumption.

BUSINESS, Finance occupations involve activities concerned with the control of monies and accounting for the finances of large businesses and government bureaus.

BUSINESS, Management occupations involve activities concerned with the organization, direction and administration of the operation of large business and government bureaus.

COMPUTATION occupations involve activities concerned with statistical analysis and use of mathematics and computation in research and business.

COMMUNICATION, Written occupations involve activities concerned with skill in the use of written language especially in the creation or interpretation of literature and the written communication of knowledge and ideas.

COMMUNICATION, Oral occupations involve activities concerned with skill in the use of spoken language and the oral interpretation and communication of knowledge and ideas.

ARTS, Performing occupations involve activities concerned with the individualized expression of creative or musical talent.

ARTS, Design occupations involve activities concerned with the individualized expression of creative talent in fine arts and design.

SERVICE, Instructional occupations involve activities concerned with the instruction of techniques in interpersonal relations especially in caring for the personal needs and welfare of others in the field of education.

SERVICE, Social-Health occupations involve activities concerned with interpersonal relations in caring for the personal needs and welfare of others in fields of social service and health.


COPSystem VIA - P - Digital

The COPSystem VIA - P includes the COPS-P, CAPS ability battery, and COPES work values survey.

COPS-P - Digital

The Career Occupational Preference System Professional (COPS-P) measures interests at the professional level.

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