The COPS Picture Interest Inventory illustrates a variety of occupational activities, using realistic pictures of people in job related roles. This form of the COPS is designed to help assess interests for examinees with reading or language difficulties. It is also helpful for individuals with low academic or career motivation as well as non-reading and non-English speaking adults. Scores are linked to 14 COPSystem VIA Career Clusters, and provide access to information about thousands of occupations.
Designed for use with elementary through high school and adult levels
The 168 items take about 30 minutes administration time
Self-scoring can be done in 15-20 minutes with hand-scoring keys
Language(s): Instructions available in Spanish, Hmong, Russian, Croatian, Laotian, Vietnamese
Used to deliver group guidance to elementary, middle, and high school students
Overcome language barriers using this assessment
Science, Professional occupations involve planning, conducting, and applying findings of research to mathematical, medical life, and physical sciences. This cluster is represented in the Science and Mathematics career pathway in STEM careers.
Science, Skilled occupations involve applying findings of laboratory research in the fields of medicine and life and physical sciences. This cluster is represented in the Science and Mathematics career pathway in STEM careers.
Technology, Professional occupations involve engineering and structural design in the manufacture, construction, and/or transportation of products or utilities. This cluster is represented in the Engineering and Technology career pathway in STEM careers.
Technology, Skilled occupations involve working with one's hands in a skilled trade concerned with construction, manufacture, installation, or repair of products in related fields of construction, electronics, and mechanics.
Consumer Economics occupations involve the preparation and packaging of foods and beverages. They also include the production and care of clothing and textile products.
Outdoor occupations involve activities including the growing and tending of plants and animals and the cultivation and gathering of crops and natural resources in the areas of agriculture and nature as in forestry, park service, fishing, and mining.
Business, Professional occupations include positions of high responsibility in organizations, and involve finance and accounting, management, and business promotion. This cluster is represented in the Science and Mathematics career pathway in STEM careers.
Business, Skilled occupations involve sales, promotion, and marketing. They also include financial and organizational activities of businesses regarding the promotion of business.
Clerical occupations involve recording, posting, and filing of business records requiring great attention to detail, accuracy, neatness, orderliness, and speed. They include office work and contact with customers in keeping records.
Communication occupations involve language skill in the creation or interpretation of literature, or in the written and oral communication of knowledge and ideas.
Arts, Professional occupations involve individualized expression of creative or musical talent. They include the fields of design, fine arts, and performing arts.
Arts, Skilled occupations involve application of artistic skill in the fields of photography, graphic arts, and design.
Service, Professional occupations include positions of high responsibility in caring for the personal needs and welfare of others in fields of social service, health, and education. This cluster is represented in the Science and Mathematics career pathway in STEM careers.
Service, Skilled occupations involve providing services to persons and catering to the tastes, desires, and welfare of others in fields of personal service, social and health related services, and protection and transportation.
Summary Guides
Used for combining with CAPS and/or COPES
Specimen Set
Includes sample test and manual
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