How to use the COPSystem VIA Results
The COPSystem VIA results are used in a wide variety of settings with many diverse populations such as students in school, college students deciding on majors, adults in transition, vocational rehab clients, and military personnel in transition. The results are an excellent tool to use for all of these populations.

Use of the CAPS for Predicting Employee Performance
One of the main reason’s companies use aptitude testing is to make better hiring and promotion decisions. Tests are often much better than interviews in predicting whether a person has the potential to do a job well.

Compatibility of the CAPS Abilities with Other Assessments
One of the benefits of using the complete COPSystem VIA is that you have full access to all of your scores to use in comprehensive career exploration.

The CAPS Helps Employers Identify Training Needs
Employees in most industries are required to adapt to new technology and must be trained in a variety of tasks that may extend outside their formal role, or job description. For this purpose, the CAPS functions as an efficient and comprehensive training and development tool for Human Resources.

Work Values are Important in Career Selection
When individuals make a list of some of the important aspects of career selection they often take into account interests and job skills or abilities but overlook work values.

Translated Versions of the DOSC
The Dimensions Of Self-Concept (DOSC) is an inventory designed to measure self-concept in the school setting. In the past few years the DOSC has been translated into Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Portuguese. The validity and reliability of the DOSC has been examined across four cultures in a series of six studies. The authors confirmed the validity of the five DOSC scales across cultures.

Career Education for Everyone
Many U.S. school districts are structuring their secondary schools around career pathways and emphasizing the importance of career education for a myriad of reasons, some of which include the premise that coursework relevance helps student performance and decreases dropout rates.

Career Education for Students with Special Needs
Career education is important for all students and EdITS offers the Instructional Guide for Career Education kit, as part of the CERES program, to assist special needs students in acquiring skills for occupational planning.

Implementing Standards-Based Classrooms
The purpose of the Practical Handbook to Standards-Based Classrooms and The Guide for Standards-Based Classrooms is to assist teachers in their professional development activities.

The Link With Leverage
Today, many students and parents are receiving direct and appropriate feedback through standards-based report card programs. This new report card system is directly aligned to the required curriculum standards and serves as a basis for monitoring student progress and conducting parent conferences.