COPSystem Now Available in Multiple Languages

Often career counselors have non-English speaking clients. Rather than translating the COPSystem assessments into a variety of languages each of which may have their own dialect, we suggest the use of the COPS-PIC. However, it is useful to have language translations of the directions for the assessments.

EdITS now has translations of directions for some of its more popular career assessments in several languages.

Instructions for the COPS PIC, CAPS and COPES are now available in the following languages: Spanish, Hmong, Russian, Croatian, Laotian, and Vietnamese.

Additionally, all of the items and instructions for the COPS Interest Inventory, CAPS ability battery, and COPES work values survey are available in our web-based Spanish version.

The COPS, CAPS, and COPES are also available in Large Print for the sight impaired. These test booklets are printed in black on white, rather than blue, using 20-point font to increase visibility.


Work Values are Important in Career Selection


COPS-PIC Norms and Reliabilities