Remote Testing Procedures
During the past year we have all had to adjust the new norm of remote working. One of those big adjustments is how to proctor in a remote testing situation. The online version of the COPSystem VIA can easily be adapted to fit this need. Our recommendation is to use a conferencing application so that you can view the testing process while communicating with your clients.

Helping the Blind Community
EdITS has adapted the COPSystem career guidance program to be accessible to individuals using a screen reader.

COPSystem Now Available in Multiple Languages
EdITS now has translations of directions for some of its more popular career assessments in several languages.

The EAP Has Landed
We are excited to announce that the new version of the EdITS Assessment Platform (EAP) launched on March 14, 2019. We enhanced the user interface and added new features that make it easier to use.

Updating the EdITS Assessment Platform (EAP)
We are excited to announce an updated version of the EdITS Assessment Platform (EAP) launching on March 14, 2019.